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Viral logical math puzzles; 90% will fail to attempt this brain teaser math puzzle. “The Pumpkin Puzzle” Difficult Math Puzzles for kids and adults.

Halloween special math games for kids and adults. Welcome back to Genius Puzzle Series #16. Another interesting pumpkin math puzzle for you. Ready?

Finds the icons values (Pumpkin, Bat, Alien, Ghost, Skeleton) and solve the last equation.

Let’s see how many of you can crack this Halloween special puzzle. See you in the comment section below.

The Pumpkin Puzzle: Genius Puzzle Series #16

The Pumpkin Puzzle: Genius Puzzle Series #16 Viral Math Puzzles. Difficult and Hard Math Puzzles Images. Brain teasers for kids and adults.

Post your answer in the comment section below. The answer will be updated soon, till now share this awesome & interesting Pumpkin puzzle with your Whatsapp and facebook group friends, let see how many of your friends can solve this logical math puzzle.

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The Pumpkin Puzzle, Genius Puzzle Series, Puzzle 16, Viral Math Puzzles, Hard Math Puzzles Images, Facebook Math Puzzle Image, Whatsapp Image Puzzle, Pumpkin Bat Alien Ghost Puzzle, Halloween Puzzles Game, Puzzles for Kids, Adults Puzzle Question, Genius Puzzles Images, Only for Genius Puzzles.

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