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Find the Triangles in the Image – Best Logic and Brain Teasers Puzzles – Only for Genius with answer!

Hello, Friends! Now here is the Puzzle of the Day, You have to find, How many triangle are there in this star puzzle image. Find the triangles and comment your answer blow before confirm your answer.

Let see, if you can find the total number of triangles! Best of Luck! Check image blow.

Triangle Puzzle Image:

Find Triangles - Brainteasers Puzzles

Got your answer? Let see your answer is correct or not. Comment your answer blow in the comment box and then check the answer.

Total: 20 Triangles

12 – Small Triangles

6 – Medium Triangles

2 – Large Triangles

Hope you like our puzzle category. Share this puzzle image with friends. let connect with us on facebook and get interesting and funny news on your timeline. Enjoy!

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